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TICKETS: The Fair gates are cash only. Buy tickets on your phone with credit card here.

Yes, but you must have the paperwork from a Licensed Mental Health Professional. Service Pets are specifically trained to do work or perform tasks that mitigate a person’s disability.

The pet is required to have: Health Check from licensed Veterinarian, Behavioral Check, ESA Letter, ESA Registration certificate (all signed by a licensed therapist), Pet FD Card, Vest, Collar, Tag and all updated vaccinations.

All service Pets must be in a harness with a leash and have the proper paperwork attached. The Pet should have good social skills when taken to public places. IT IS REQUIRED BY LAW under the American Disability Act (ADA) you cannot ask what the person’s disability is but you can ask what task the service dog is trained to perform.

Our Sponsors

Big Butler Fair PSACF

The Big Butler Fair
1127 New Castle Road
Prospect, PA 16052

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